Friday, June 21, 2013

8000 gallon month leak in geothermal loop

Following up on a report that there is an 8000 gallon a month make up water requirement of the geothermal loop 

Will post the Delta record of flow in the geothermal water make up

 we are Troubleshooting to find out where that water is leaking 

there's also a report of the sound of water flowing in the pipes in the library when the very low-frequency drive  ramps down 

 this is a sealed system there should be no air in the system

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tutoring Becky's office. Tear out wall

There is a problem in Becky's office :
there's some communication wire that traverses the wall we're going to Tear out. 

I'm tearing out the power now 

 the power wire ends in the middle of this wall. But communication wire continues around into Becky's office.
And she's using that internet outlet
And ct apparently continues on from there also

Basically that's a big highway for chris The wall we are going to tear out

After Becky's office The blue wires continue and make a provision for computers on the wall the tutoring center that aren't being used

If Chris can meet me here tomorrow morning we can look at it together and I be glad to assist him

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Global off

In the old labs at Austin science center, there was a feature to turn off all the outlets in the laboratory with the single button. The instructor could disable all outlets.

Now that these are no longer laboratories we should be aware that all the remaining outlets in the room can still be disabled by this contactor.
I can bypass the contactor and provide steady power has directed by Don Flowers

Update Friday:
I've  disabled all the contactors in all labs and they should now all be in the " hand on position "

 the disconnects have all been bypassed

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Report by kent that gym lights out

I could not replicate the fault. 
I checked CBS and EMS 
I gave them my mobile#

Photo Voltaic Inverter #2 CB trips.

OK  the next work is that the PV at PE has Inverter #2 has been going into alarm because the CB tripped last month and again this month.  I can lift the wire and megger +/or swap out cb but better to do the annual PM first

Lets see if we can have a look at the log and find out when that Inverter goes into fault.
 It looks like inverter 2 made it thru the day on the 11th but was not online starting on the 12th.
I reset the cb just before lunchtime on the 12th.

From the points shown in Delta Diamond PE GUI I will have to go to PE Solar Enclosure to get the name/number of the Emon meters... esp for Inverter2 so I can run some trendlines

We have not had preventative maintenance training so I will recommend calling in Borrego Solar (Buchanan, Gary) and walking with them for their work and making it clear we will need training in the annual PM on the inverters.  I was hoping to get p. maintenance training in those unit's
besides annual mop down

I can exercise disconnects, check connections, thermal image but I would like to walk with them and develop a protocol.

as per RT:
I remember Gary Buchannan telling me if trip continues they need to check it out. Maybe should not reset breaker next unless he says ok. Someday When we rich (hihi) we should plan to inspect 400vdc Jb's on the poles. Gary may have provided incl $ # info. Suggest contact them for $ Re inverter work, Guess  3 - 5. K.  Ask what suggested 10 year replacement cost is for inverters, pricey but not remember 20k + apiece????

Central Plant Heat Pumps in Mechanical rooms reported out of range.

 13 june2013

 Report that the rooms in CP are very hot and that Heat Pumps are turned off in CP.
Also probably better to keep these rooms within some normal range, like less than 80^
So I am going to modify
  • HP1-08 vacuum room
  • HP1-11 electrical room
to have manual on with a setpoint of 78^