Thursday, September 29, 2011
PE wattstopper - 9/28/11
Xfmr shorted. Improper function at wattstopper. Not responding to commands. Erratic function.
All interior switches are Wattstopper AS100 type. Exterior lights are not.
AS100 switches are programmed at circuit board and have a countdown routine to open.
Turning off [interrupting power] to relay with AS100 line voltage switch programmed as connected load results in immediate restoration of power. AS100 switches require steady power. They are the smart switch that does the routine. They get a pulse, of any duration, and when the power comes back on, they start their countdown routine.
Countdown routine means you have five minutes until the lights go off to press the switch.
That means in event of power failure user will have to know to push the wall switch within 5 min.
One test I can do, when rooms are unoccupied, is to see if all the interior relays are programmed as AS100s. I would do this by pulsing them and seeing if the power is immediately restored.
The program for this resides on the circuit board and is, in this case, programmed in by Delta.
There were burned up relays.
This happened because there was constant calling for closure.
Seems like the original fault was the goober of solder and another piece of metallic dust that came away. Why did this just now act up was not determined. The bent pin may have happened during the troubleshooting procedure.
Bent pin
Goober of solder
Overview of the variables in the fine arts lighting problem.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
PE EMS programming
toggled on and off. confirmed by Last Update: September 27, 2011 07:59:16 will drive over to check in a minute. need a wireless laptop. pf
Last Update: September 27, 2011 08:07:48 all off
first 6 relays will not respond. last four respond to commands.
Last Update: September 27, 2011 08:27:17 all off ... toggling back on
NEWS: September 27, 2011 08:31:11 SLOW BUT ALL POINTS RESPONDED ON...ALL ON! toggling off
well, the streetlights in front of PE were physically on at 0900. I have not made any changes to the ems and now they are no longer physically on, altho the ems is calling now at September 27, 2011 10:11:53
Also, all the relays show "off" except D1 & D3.
I can investigate further. Wish I had a laptop!
I will try first to toggle them all off and then back on.
Then I will go and see what state the physical relays and the wattstopper is in. I believe the streetlights come from the Pool Equipt Rm back by the locker room. So I will use the breezeway lights as an indicator since they come from the "bad" board.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
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